Vhi Womens Mini Marathon

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County Champion: Lisa Kelleher  

Meet our amazing County Champion: Lisa from south-west Dublin!  

Lisa will be representing Dublin at this year's Vhi Women's Mini Marathon! 💪🏃‍♀️🇮🇪 

“I am thrilled to introduce myself as a County Champion for this year's Vhi Women's Mini Marathon representing Dublin!  

My passion for promoting the benefits of fitness and nutrition for mental health runs deep.  I'm proud to be one of the co-founders of Shannon's Hopeline. Our organization was born out of a deep sense of love for my beautiful niece, Shannon, who passed away by suicide at just 13 years old in 2012. I am committed to supporting and educating young people and their families in the Dublin area on the importance of taking care of their mental health. 

I've also had the pleasure of setting up women's running groups to train for the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon in the past, an event I've participated in for almost two decades now. To me, this day is like Christmas, and I love seeing so many amazing women come together to support charities close to their hearts. 

Being a County Champion is a tremendous honour, and I am determined to do my best to honour my niece's memory and represent my community.  

I am excited to share this journey with you and look forward to your support!” 


We're so excited to have you on our team Lisa! 💖 

#VhiWMM #ForMeForYou #vhiwomensminimarathon #Dublin #Ireland #10k #minimarathon #funrun #CountyChampion