Vhi Womens Mini Marathon

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COPE Galway 

Who they are 

Since the 1970s, a local charity called COPE Galway had been offering social assistance in Galway. They aided homeless persons, families affected by homelessness, abused women and children, and senior citizens living in difficult neighbourhoods. 

A committed team of over 180 employees, including social workers, childcare providers, community support staff, chefs, and administrative assistants, offer these services. A dedicated group of more than 250 volunteers assists these employees in their job. 


Why they started 

To making a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. 

We understand, respect and respond to the needs of those who struggle with the challenges of homelessness and domestic abuse, and we support older people towards healthy and active ageing. 


What they do 

They provide support services, and advocate for some of the most vulnerable men, women and children in Galway. Services for both singles and families who are homeless. Women and children's domestic abuse services Senior Support Services are offered to the elderly who require assistance. One of the most important aspects of their work is speaking up for our customers.  

Improved access to housing and lodging are just a few of the problems that COPE Galway works to change policy and society on at the local and national levels.  Fostering discussion and conversation. They collaborate and take part in meetings of local, regional, and national organizations that share the advocacy objectives of COPE Galway.  

What are they are doing in the Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon 

Join team COPE Galway supporting vulnerable people in their community. Run, jog or walk with Team COPE Galway ladies for the Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon, do something great for you and for someone in your community. 

They will be getting a bus again and heading to Dublin together! 

Enjoy a fun ladies’ day out while also making a big difference for the families, men, women and children we support. 

By signing up you will receive: 

  • Your VhiWMM Race Registration 

  • Team Bus to and from Dublin (leaving at 9:30am, returning to Galway by 7:30pm)  

  • COPE Galway Running T-shirt and Goody Bag on the day 

  • A personalised fundraising page (€150 min target) 

Whether you’d like to join the team or go on your own you can sign up to Team COPE Galway here : https://www.copegalway.ie/get-involved/challenge-events/womens-mini-marathon/