County Champion: Jennifer Fay

🌟 Meet our remarkable County Champion: Jennifer Fay from Dublin! 🌟

Jennifer, a devoted mother of two, Jack (14) and Rosie (7), embodies resilience, compassion, and a relentless spirit of giving back to her community.

Jennifer's journey with running began as a response to her daughter Rosie's illness. "I started running not long after my daughter took ill," Jennifer shares, reflecting on the challenging times her family faced. Rosie, who bravely battles hydrocephalus and has undergone multiple brain surgeries, inspired Jennifer to take action. "I did a 5k walk for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus," Jennifer recalls, highlighting her commitment to raising awareness and funds for those facing similar challenges.

Together, Jennifer and Rosie have embarked on numerous fundraising endeavours, including a remarkable 5k-a-day challenge in July to support Rosie's best friend, Hannah, who also battles hydrocephalus. "My daughter Rosie is a little hero who also loves to now run 5k with me," Jennifer proudly shares, showcasing Rosie's indomitable spirit and determination.

Driven by a desire to support her community, Jennifer established a walking group in Dublin to help individuals reintegrate into fitness after lockdown. "Two years ago I set up a walking group in our community to help men & women get back into fitness," Jennifer explains, highlighting the group's transformation into a thriving running club for women of all ages.

As a dedicated volunteer, Jennifer devotes two nights a week to coaching and empowering 40 women to pursue their fitness goals and improve their well-being. "I volunteer 2 nights a week & help 40 women get out & better themselves," Jennifer shares, underscoring the positive impact of community support and camaraderie.

Jennifer's involvement in the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon spans many years, reflecting her unwavering commitment to fitness and community engagement. "I have taken part in the women’s mini marathon for many years... it is unbelievable," Jennifer expresses, highlighting the event's significance in her life.

As Jennifer continues her journey, coached by a professional running coach to enhance her skills, she remains a beacon of inspiration and support to runners and running clubs alike. "I am a very well-known runner & I show massive support to all runners & all running clubs," Jennifer affirms, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and encouragement.

Jennifer's desire to be part of the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon journey reflects her dedication to making a difference and inspiring others. Let's rally behind Jennifer as she continues to uplift her community and empower women to reach new heights.

Thank you, Jennifer, for your remarkable dedication and inspiring spirit. πŸ’–

#VhiWMM #HeartToHeart #vhiwomensminimarathon #Dublin #CommunitySupport #CountyChampion


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